

We manage and support IT environments with all their business applications.

Network & Connectivity

We all want a network that just works. Now you can see information about devices and network activity, and make changes across the entire network with a single click.

Advanced WiFi solutions

Network and wireless deployments no longer need to rely on guesswork. We provide specialist wireless site surveys and network design for optimum performance and security.

Server Platforms

We manage and support enterprise server environments, web and business applications. We design secure cloud environments and migrate systems and data.

Managed Hosting

You choose a configuration, select the software and we’ll take care of the rest. In agreement with you we’ll take care of patches, upgrades, updates and other interventions.

Information Security

Your data has to be safe. We create tailored enterprise security solutions to meet or exceed your requirements.


Enterprise quality reporting tools help you monitor the status and usage of your systems.


Design, engineering and installation of your storage/compute server rack cabinets.

Presentation Services

Setup and configuration of various presentation and display applications. PA, recording, editing and mastering of live events as well as studio sessions.


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